The number of marital breakups in California and across the country has been falling in recent years. In fact, the divorce rate in America hit a record low in 2019. According to newly released data from the Census Bureau, for every 1,000 marriages in 2019, only just under 15 ended in divorce, the lowest rate in 50 years. Experts believe the drop in divorce rates is likely to continue.
Lower rates of divorce is great news for those in the United States who are married. It could mean that marriages these days are more likely to be stable. Likewise, more children will grow up in households with two married parents. Numerous studies have shown that children from two-parent households have better chances for success later in life. However, marriage rates have also hit a low in America, so there are also fewer spouses to reap the benefits of marriage.
The marriage divide in the United States is also widening. According to recent data, Americans who are college-educated or better off economically are more likely to wed and stay married. However, more working-class and poorer Americans are either staying single or facing more family instability. In addition, more and more Americans have chosen to delay marriage due to the recent pandemic, continuing downward trend for new marriages.
Although trends are showing fewer marriages across the country, the institute of marriage will never go away. Where there are marriages, there will also be divorces. Those in California who have questions about divorce or are contemplating divorce may want to speak with a lawyer. A seasoned family law attorney can give much-needed guidance throughout the divorce process.